Advantages And Disadvantages Of Etching With Beam-steered Laser

This year, over one-third of all material processing lasers will be installed for product or package marking applications. Since their introduction in the early-1970’s, laser markers have evolved as an effective tool for manufacturers who require a combination of speed, permanence, and image flexibility not available from more traditional marking technologies.

Two marking system designs have emerged with notably different strengths and weaknesses. Careful consideration of these laser and imaging optics combinations can provide the optimum tool for a wide range of marking requirements.

Process Fundamentals

Laser marking is a thermal process that employs a high-intensity beam of focused laser light to create a contrasting mark. The laser beam increases the surface temperature to induce either a color change in the material and/or displace material by vaporization to engrave the surface. Both marking system configurations utilize this principle of surface modification but differ in the method used to project the laser beam and create the marking image.

The beam-steered laser marker provides the greatest degree of image manipulation. To create the marking image, two beam-steering mirrors mounted on high-speed, computer-controlled galvanometers direct the laser beam across the target surface. Each galvanometer provides one axis of beam motion in the marking field. The beam projects through a multi-element, flat-field lens assembly after reflecting off the final steering mirror. The lens assembly focuses the laser light to achieve the highest power density possible on the work surface while maintaining the focused spot travel on a flat plane. The laser output is gated between marking strokes. This design offers the user the advantages of a computer generated marking image and utilization of the entire laser output for the highest marking power possible.

The mask or “stencil” marking system sacrifices image quality and versatility for significantly increased marking speed. The marking image is created by enlarging the laser beam, projecting it through a copper stencil of the desired image, and refocusing the beam on the target surface to “burn” the image into the material. A single pulse of the laser creates the entire image. If the alphanumeric characters must be altered part-to-part, (i.e., serialization, etc.), computer-controlled rotary stencil wheels wall laser cut maps index the characters. This technique is aesthetically limiting in that images exhibit a “stencil” appearance with breaks in the marking lines. Since the mask blocks a high percentage of the laser beam, marking power and resultant surface penetration is limited.

Laser and Imaging Combinations

Beam-steered Nd:YAG

The combination of the Nd:YAG (Neodymium:Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) laser and the beam-steered delivery optics marks the widest range of materials and provides the versatility of computer controlled image generation.

Nd:YAG lasers amplify light in the near-infrared at 1.06 mm. Metallic materials absorb a comparatively high percentage of the light in this region of the spectrum. In the pulsed mode, the Nd:YAG laser produces peak powers considerably higher than the normal continuous-wave output. A 90 watt CW Nd:YAG laser, pulsed at 1 kHz, will emit a train of pulses with peak powers of 110,000 watts. The Nd:YAG lasers ability to emulate an “optical capacitor” provides the power necessary to vaporize metallics and other materials. The high peak power will vaporize material up to 0.005 inches deep in a single pass or greater with multiple passes. The non-metallic materials normally associated with the far-infrared wavelength of the CO2 laser are usually highly reflective to the Nd:YAG. However, the high peak power of the Nd:YAG can often overcome the higher reflectivity. Some overlap does occur among many plastics that absorb both wavelengths equally well.

The beam-steered marker can duplicate virtually any vector graphic image including variable line widths and images as small as 0.010 inch or less. In addition, the computer can instantly change any graphic element or the entire marking program before a new part is positioned for marking.

The Nd:YAG laser offers a greater range of adjustable process variables to achieve a specific material modification but at a correspondingly higher purchase price than the CO2 laser.

Beam-steered CO2

The continuous-wave CO2 laser can also be combined with the beam-steered delivery system.

CO2 lasers emit a narrow bandwidth of light in the far infrared at 10.6 mm. This wavelength is most suitable for organic materials such as paper and other wood products, many plastics, removing thin layers of ink or paint from a substrate, and for marking ceramics. It does not produce high peak powers when pulsed.

Typically utilizing laser powers up to 50 watts, these systems combine the far infrared wavelength with the image control and flexibility of beam-steered image generation. Typical uses include serialization of ceramic and plastic products that require high-quality graphics such as company logos and/or significant amounts of additional alphanumeric text. The lower power CO2 marker does not provide the power to “engrave” substrates but, due to the comparative simplicity of design, can be purchased at a lower cost than the beam-steered Nd:YAG marker.

Mask CO2

Applications that require high speed but not high power and do not vary the marking image except for alphanumeric text (i.e., serialization, date code, etc.) utilize the mask CO2 marker. The CO2 laser is pulsed at rates of up to 1,200 pulses per minute. The high repetition rate provides marking of parts “on-the-fly” at high part-transfer speeds. Computer controlled masks can alter up to three lines of text at speeds of up to 720 parts per minute if the alphanumeric code must be changed.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Beam-steered Nd:YAG

The beam-steered Nd:YAG provides more marking power and far superior imaging than any other laser marker configuration. The available high peak power can mark or engrave a wide variety of materials including hardened metallics. Present computer technology produces highly intricate graphics with linewidths and accuracy’s of less than 0.001 inch. Because “drawing” with the laser beam creates the image, the marking time is dependent on the amount of text and the complexity of any graphics. The Nd:YAG laser marker is the most costly of the three system configurations.

The beam-steered Nd:YAG marker frequently replaces acid and electro-etch systems, stamping and punching systems, and those other marking systems which permanently mark products by imprinting or engraving. It also replaces ink jet and other color printing systems. Typical applications include marking pistons, bearings, valves, gears, and a multitude of other components in the automotive industry; heart pacemakers, replacement hip joints, and surgical tools in the medical industry; computer chassis, disk drives, and integrated circuits in the electronics industry; tool holders, drill bits, and cutting tools in the tool industry; and writing pens, nameplates, and golf club grips.

Beam-steered CO2

The acquisition and operating costs of the beam-steered CO2 marker are lower than the Nd:YAG marker due to the relative simplicity of the laser. Image generation is equal to that of the other beam-steered system while speed and depth of penetration are considerable lower due to the lower power of the CO2 laser. Although not as popular as the beam-steered Nd:YAG and mask CO2 markers, the beam-steered CO2 system is frequently used for marking general plastics and plastic and ceramic connectors and packages within the electronics industry.

Mask CO2

Although the mask CO2 does not offer the imaging capabilities of the beam-steered design, it is far superior in speed. Because a single pulse of the laser creates the entire image, throughput is typically limited only by the pulse rate of the laser and the transfer speed of the parts handling wood topographical maps system. While the part must be stationary while marking with the beam-steered design, parts are marked in motion with mask systems. Depth of penetration is less than the beam-steered CO2 marker since the laser output is spread over a large area with correspondingly low power density.

Masked CO2 markers most frequently compete with ink-jet marking. The mask CO2 laser is often the marker of choice for sequenced coding, batch coding, open or closed date coding, and real-time <a wood topographical maps href=””>wooden maps coding of paper or cardboard, ink or paint coatings, glass, plastics, coated metals, and ceramics.

While the beam-steered design provides superior imaging and material penetration and the mask design provides superior speed, either system provides a better combination of speed, permanence, and imaging flexibility than other marking techniques. Many users also benefit from the non-contact nature of laser marking and the elimination of additive materials such as inks or paints.

The development of a successful marking application requires careful consideration of the laser output characteristics, the design of the optical beam delivery and image generation system, the properties of the target material, and the aesthetic and physical properties of the desired mark. Industrial laser marking systems provide prospective users with several system designs from which to choose to match the optimum marking performance with the users unique requirements.

By: Rick Stevenson

Article Directory:

Richard Stevenson is the Sales Director for Control Micro Systems, Inc. a manufacturer of beam-steered laser marking systems. He has published and presented numerous technical papers and articles on laser marking in trade publications. For information on UID Marking, Laser Welding, Engraving, Cutting, Etching or Marking call 407-679-9716 or email

New Study Proves That Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

A little laughter can go a long way, a new study reveals.

We all know the mood-boosting benefits of a good laugh, but researchers at California’s Loma Linda University set out to find out if humor can deliver more than just comic relief. The study looked at 20 healthy older adults in their 60s and 70s, measuring their stress levels and short-term memory. One group was asked to sit silently, not talking, reading, or using their cellphones, while the other group watched funny videos.

After 20 minutes, the participants gave saliva samples and took a short memory test. While both groups performed better after the break than before, the “humor group” performed significantly jokes comedy better when it came to memory watch comedy online recall. Participants who viewed the funny videos had much higher improvement in recall abilities, 43.6 percent, compared with 20.3 percent in the non-humor group.

Moreover, the humor group showed considerably lower levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone,” after watching the videos. The non-humor group’s stress levels decreased just slightly.

Other studies have also shown the wide-ranging health benefits of laughter. A Vanderbilt University study estimated that just 10-15 minutes of laughter a day can burn up to 40 calories. Meanwhile, a University of Maryland study found that a sense of humor can protect against heart disease.

Lower cortisol? Lower stress? Sounds pretty good. But researchers insist the benefits are even greater.

“There are several benefits to humor and laughter,” explained Gurinder S. Bains, a Ph.D.

candidate at Loma Linda open mic comedy clubs University, who co-authored the study. “Older adults need to have a better quality of life. Incorporating time to laugh, through social interaction with.

friends, enjoying exercise in a group setting, or even watching 20 watch full comedy movies online free minutes of humor on TV daily, can enhance your learning ability and delayed recall.”

“Find what makes you laugh and include it in your daily routine,” Bains said. “As an older adult, you will face age associated memory deficits, but humor and laughter can be integrated into a whole person wellness plan that can translate into improvements in your quality of life: mind, body, and spirit.”

Back Pain and Neck Pain Blog

By: Stephanie Burke | Sep 29, 2016

When back pain first strikes, there are many choices you may need to make. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be on the path to faster healing.

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Having poor posture can cause further injury to your spine. Learn how to hold and support yourself throughout the day to avoid back pain.

By: Michele Perez, MD | Sep 27, 2016

Neck cracks are very common, but they can sound alarming.

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What is SEO?

Perhaps as you’ve searched around the Internet and sites like you’ve seen the term SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is simply setting up your website to best allow search engines to read your website and understand what your website is about. Search engines aren’t very good guessers, so SEO is done to tell the search engines specifically what they need to know or what you want them to know.

The goal of SEO is to increase your website’s rankings in the search engines and bring more visitors to your website. An optimized website can bring 2 times, 3 times, or even 10+ times the visitors than an un-optimized website. So, understanding SEO and its importance can make or break a website.


Search engine optimization is primarily done by targeting keywords or keyword phrases (a keyword/keyword phrase is a word or phrase people search for in the search engines). By performing search engine optimization targeting a specific keyword, you are telling the search engines that you want them to list your website when someone searches for a particular word or phrase. For example, if you have a church in Hoboken, NJ, you would want your church’s website to be listed when someone searches for churches in Hoboken, NJ. So, you would perform SEO on your website targeting “Churches in Hoboken, NJ” as part of your church marketing strategy.

More About Keywords:

Because SEO is about targeting keywords, choosing the right keywords is the most important part of Search Engine Optimization. There are two key properties of a keyword to take into account, popularity (how much are people actually searching for the keyword) and competition (how difficult will it be to rank well for the keyword). The goal is to optimize your website for the most popular keywords that you can compete for and it’s not always easy to pick keywords. Just because you think a keyword should be popular, doesn’t mean it is. In fact, I’ve found that most people’s gut feeling about keywords is wrong. Even if your gut is right about the keyword’s popularity, if the keyword competition is too high, your site won’t rank well for it even if with SEO (at least not for a while) and you won’t get any traffic. So, it’s essential to do keyword research before you start optimizing your website.

Some SEO Techniques:

Basically, most SEO techniques are using the targeted keyword(s) in various places on your website, both visible and invisible to your visitors or what I refer to as “visible” and “behind-the-scenes”

Some Visible SEO Techniques:

oUse the keyword(s) in the text on the page multiple times

oUse the keyword(s) in paragraph headers

oUse the keyword(s) in link text

Some Behind-the-Scenes SEO Techniques:

oUse the keyword(s) in the Title tag

oUse the keyword(s) in the META tags

oUse the keyword(s) in alt tags for pictures

oUse the keyword(s) in the page’s file name

oUse clean, valid HTML code

oMake sure there isn’t too much code in the page before the actual visible content of the page (search engines will only read so much. If there is a bunch of code before the content, the search engines may not read far enough to see the content.

There are a few other things to note about SEO.

oSearch engines can’t read Flash (at least not yet). So, if you have a Flash site, there’s only so much optimization you will be able to do.

oSearch engines don’t read pictures. So, if you have text on your site, but it’s in a picture instead of regular text, the search engines won’t be able to read it.

Every little bit helps:

SEO isn’t just a single technique, but rather a combination of several techniques, each contributing their part towards the final goal It’s kind of like running a race, every step you take gets you a little closer to the finish line; leave out a few steps and you’re closer to the finish line, but you won’t cross it. So it is with SEO, each thing you do when optimizing your website will get you closer to that #1 ranking. If you leave some elements out, you may move from not being listed to #20, but you want #1, so it’s best to do as much optimization as you can.

SEO Takes Time:

Many people create their website and imagine that just creating their site will cause thousands of people to visit. This, unfortunately, isn’t so, which is why we do search engine optimization, to show up in the search engines and bring more visitors to a site. However, SEO itself isn’t fast either. It takes time to do the research and implement the changes. It takes even more time for the search engines to read the optimized pages and adjust their search results. Even with all of that done, it takes even more time and work for your site to be able to compete for the more popular and more competitive keywords.

SEO is a bit like the tortoise in “The Tortoise and the Hare”. The tortoise kept moving slowly down the path until he reaches the finish line. There are other methods of bringing visitors to a website, like pay-per-click search listings, online adverting, etc. that can bring big results much faster, but search engine optimization, while slow, does have one huge advantage. After you have optimized your site, made your site more competitive, and have your website ranking well for the most popular keywords, the traffic keeps coming and you don’t have to pay for any of it. It can be a lot of work up front, but the rewards can be enormous.

Black Hat vs. White Hat:

Kind of like the old Westerns, search engine optimization has “black hat” (bad) techniques and “white hat” (good) techniques. The black hat techniques refer to techniques that are frowned upon by the search engines because the techniques try to trick or manipulate the search engines. The white hat techniques are techniques that are approved of by the search engines. Done properly, all of the techniques I listed above are “white hat”, but some generally white hat techniques can be made black hat by doing them improperly.

For example, using your keyword(s) on your web page is a white hat technique as long as the keywords are used in a natural way. Simply putting a list of keywords at the top and bottom of the page is a black hat technique. So, why does it matter? Search engines have been known to penalize or completely ban websites that use black hat techniques. That’s a pretty good reason. I always recommend using white hat techniques. Just like in the Westerns, sometimes the guys in black hats seemed to get what they wanted for a while, but in the end, the guys in white hats always won. You may get away with black hat techniques for a while and may see great benefits, but in the end you’ll probably end up getting penalized or even banned from the search engines and that can be very difficult to recover from. So, stay on the right side of “the law”.

Final Thoughts:

Search engine optimization is both a simple and complex job. Most of the techniques for optimization are pretty simple in concept and SEO is something that most people can do. At the same time, professional SEOs have been doing these techniques for years and know the best ways to implement the techniques. It can also be very easy to miss some steps. Professionals also have access to tools and software that are used for keyword research, which, as mentioned above, is very important for the search engine optimization. The other benefit of hiring a professional SEO is that they should know the various techniques which the search engine consider “black hat” and be able to avoid them. A simple trap many amateurs make with SEO is having what seems to be a great idea about how they can optimize their site, but not realize that it’s a technique that is actually putting their site in jeopardy of being penalized or banned.

Whether you do the SEO yourself or hire a professional, it’s good to optimize your website. Not optimizing your website is a bit like writing a book and not publishing it. For churches especially, this is important as utilizing your website to the fullest can have eternal consequences as more people hear about what Christ has done. So, don’t let your website waste away in obscurity. Optimize your site.

This article has just scratched the surface of what SEO is. We have added more articles about the specific aspects of search engine optimization, like keyword research, black hat techniques to avoid, and more info about SEO techniques on the website. So, check out the site or, better yet, get the RSS feed for the Church Marketing Online blog.

The geography of the world in facts

I hope you will certainly delight in the adhering to checklist with geographical truths regarding our globe:

– Canada is house to 10% of the world’s forests and holds 20% of the world’s freshwater.

– The North American Great Lakes have a complete area of 244,106 sq km/ 94,250 sq mi as well as represent 21% of the globe’s surface fresh water.

– Lake Victoria is Africa’s biggest lake by town (68,800 sq kilometres/ 26,600 sq mi).

– Vatican City is the world’s smallest country (0.44 sq km/ 0.17 sq mi) and the globe’s least booming country (about 800 people).

– Tristan da Cunha is the outmost occupied island on the planet.

This island has a population of 264 people and also it lies in the South Atlantic Sea, at a distance of 2,816 kilometres (1,750 mi) from South Africa and 3,360 kilometres (2,088 mi) from South America.

– The Chilean city of Puerto Williams is the most southern city of the world.

– The Irish name of the Ireland resources of Dublin is Baile Atha Cliath.

– The Swiss city of Zurich was understood in the past as Turigus, Turegus, and Turicum.

– The Qinghai-Tibet railway is the globe’s greatest train. The acme of this train line is reached at the Tanggula Pass (5,072 m or 16,640 feet over sea level).

– The Rub’al – Khali town in Saudi Arabia is the globe’s biggest sand desert (647,500 sq kilometres or 250,001 sq mi).

– You can find cities called Montpellier on 4 continents (Australia, North The U.S.A., Europe as well as Africa). The most renowned is the Southern French city of Montpellier which has actually been the fastest expanding city in France over the past 25 years and the capital of the US state of Vermont (Montpelier).

– Course 66 was a well-known US freeway that connected Chicago with L.a and had a size of 3,940 kilometres (2,448 mi).

– Path 61 is an US highway that connects New Orleans with Wyoming, Minnesota and also has a size of 2,300 km (1,400 mi).

– The Grand Trunk Roadway has a complete size of 2,500 kilometres (1,600 mi) and also it connects the eastern and western components of the Indian Subcontinent, from Bangladesh to Kabul in Afghanistan.

– The Copper Canyon in the north Mexican state of Chihuahua is larger compared to the Grand Canyon situated in the United States State of Arizona.

– The Canadian Pacific Train line has over 22,500 km (14,000 mi) of railway tracks and stretches from Montreal to Vancouver.

– Kilimanjaro is among the greatest peaks in the world that could be climbed without any type of unique climbing equipment.

– Mount Roraima – positioned at the boundaries of Guyana, Brazil and Venezuela – has a top location of 31 sq kilometres (12 sq mi).

Writer’s Bio:

I have actually composed this article because i have a special interest in location and geographical realities particularly. If you intend to locate more interested and interesting facts regarding the world we stay in, please dropped totally free to see my website:

Great Benefits Of Wholesale Fashion Clothing Online

The design that is commonly practiced in clothes and accessories end up being the fashion. Designers create new patterns and trends by conceptualizing innovative permutations and mixtures of cuts, colors and appears. So fashion basically indicates to wholesale development of style statements.

So if you wish to turn into a successful fashion dealer you need to think about quality Wholesale Clothing which could hit the marketplace using its unique designing style, fitting and color combinations.

Should you be intending to begin a new clothing business you might feel confused regarding ways to get the standard fashion items with competitive price. But actually it is not an issue to source these products. Just surf the net you will find plenty of Wholesale Clothing Suppliers who offer stylish fashion products in wholesale rate.

Buying fashion clothing for guys, ladies and kids online in large quantities becomes extremely advantageous. Listed here are the few important points:

1. In this manner you may get the very best fashion styles that are developed by various expert fashion technologists. It assures you of deriving a desired degree of profit percentage.

2. Top quality is yet another benefit to get bulk clothing online. You are looking at you straight from the makers as well as the wholesale suppliers and it has.*+from+1dqdy9GV8gqyvxQ1c_Gb5bMHmkrleQGjgr1nK_ZEo&tmplt=4&cpr=2

a really little possibility of getting damaged.

3. Wholesale fashion production ensures fine craftsmanship which covers best fabrics, top quality manufacturing techniques and excellent finishing.

4. Competitive prices are the greatest advantage in creating wholesale clothing.

You may get it inside a real cheap rate because it is manufactured and sourced in large quantity.

5. You can aquire a wide choice in customizing various clothing items when it comes to size, style, colors and fabrics too.

6. When you select the products online and put an order accordingly using the bulk clothing manufacturers and suppliers you can rest assured it will likely be ready inside a short period of time span.

7. The conditions and terms are quite quick and simple that is acceptable and affordable by every retailer.

8. The wholesalers consider the entire responsibilities of shipping method and shipping some time and give you an excellent comfort that the products is going to be sent to you inside the deadline at the doorstep.

9. Usually there exists scope of product return on reasonable ground. And you may also cancel your order in due time pursuing the conditions and terms.

10. You can purchase wholesale clothing online from all the parts around the world that also enables you to cope with fashionable clothing items from around the globe and aim towards stocking the very best and different styling things to draw the interest of the targeted audience more successfully.

If you are convinced concerning the various positive elements of wholesale fashion clothing, to help keep yourself updated and obtain the best deals you should check the websites regularly. The makers and wholesalers change their goods and provide new items throughout each season. And new items from your most select fashion houses are created available all year round. This researching will undoubtedly empower you to definitely gain the confidence that the customers will certainly have a second look on your own products displayed.

Where To Get The Best Discount Carpet, Laminate Flooring Installers, And Hardwood Floors In Bur


Paul Gales

Burnaby, BC Looking for flooring materials can be a big hassle. Although there are so many different kinds to choose from – carpeting, hardwood, or laminate, Burnaby boasts one of the best flooring and installation companies in the area: Mike’s Carpet and Flooring. Mike’s brings it all together for customers seeking cost of hardwood flooring reviews brand names in laminate Burnaby, tile, hardwood, bamboo, cork or carpeting.

Getting a new floor is a very stressful time as daily routines are interrupted from floors that are ripped up making the area uninhabitable for a while. At Mike’s, wood floor construction reviews carpeting and tile store in Burnaby, experienced staff members can help by walking customers through each step of the flooring process, beginning with the selection of the floor material itself. Each home has it own identity and every home owner has their own unique requirements for making their perfect floor.

For high traffic areas vinyl, certain carpeting and linoleum are often used due to their lower cost and high durability. For a wood floor on slab reviews elegant look, customers often choose stone, fine hardwood or a patterned tile. Are you looking for an epoxy garage floor that actually lives up to your expectations? Then you have found the right place, Amazing Garage Floors! http://www.amazing-garage-floors.comBurnaby, because of its reputation for being a diverse community, prides itself with homes that have a variety of styles and looks. Within a single community you may find a house with stylish dark hardwood floors and next to it a cozy bungalow sporting exotic bamboo flooring in the kitchen.

To each their own which is why Mike’s Carpet and Flooring has the choices you need for the floor that meets your tastes, home style and budget. For those seeking a nice warm feeling on their feet, we recommend carpet. Burnaby is a great place to install this type of wall to wall covering since the weather during the winter can be on the nippy side. Mike’s Carpet and Flooring is one of the best discount carpet stores in Burnaby and with its vast selection of residential and office carpets will satisfy all kinds of tastes, preferences, and budgets. Another flooring idea is cork which has the great advantages of being more environmentally friendly, has a low cost and is a great sound buffer. This makes it ideal for recreation rooms, children’s bedrooms and even the garage. The cork can be left natural or coated to add water resistance slab flooring reviews greater durability.

Whatever your flooring choice may be, Mike’s Carpet and Flooring is the place to go for all your flooring needs. Regardless of what you need – tile, carpet, vinyl, or hardwood – Burnaby is just a short distance to drive to, from wherever you are in the Vancouver area. With everything you need from flooring materials, expert installation and a knowledgeable, experienced staff just waiting to assist you, there really is no better place to go. Installing laminate flooring in Nort Vancouver, West Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, or wherever in the lower mainland it’s something that can easily be taken care of with Mike’s Carpet & Flooring. You can see all the different flooring brands on their website at

About the Author:

hardwood – Burnaby

Installing laminate flo

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How to Install Laminate Flooring

Laminate Floor TransitionHow to Install Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring has become the floor of choice for many homeowners in the past several years. There are many good reasons for this. Notably, it needs very little maintenance (unlike carpet), it is incredibly durable, and it comes in a vast array of colors/styles. Since being introduced to the US back in 1982, laminate flooring sales has seen a growth of up to twenty per cent per year. This article is a step <a href=" tiles flooring-tiles/”>by step guide on how to install laminate flooring in your home.

Installing laminate flooring is much easier than installing hardwood floors.

The tools and materials you will need for this project are:

a laminate flooring pull barunderlayment pad (with or without a vapor barrier)Preparing the Floor

If you’ve got another type of flooring, this is the time to get rid of it. Pull up your old carpet and padding. Remove all of the tack strips around the room’s perimeter. You may need to scrape the floor to get rid of any padding sticking to it. Vacuum it well. Are you looking for laminate flooring how to clean epoxy garage floor that actually lives up to your expectations? Then you have found the right place, Amazing Garage Floors! http://www.amazing-garage-floors.comIf there are any noticeable dips, level them out. On a concrete slab, thinset or another self-leveling compound may be skimmed on it.

Repair plywood subflooring if applicable.

Remove the baseboards. You may be able to save these if you are careful. Now use the coping saw to cut off the bottoms of door jambs, case openings, etc. This will probably be 1/4″ to 3/8″ dependent on the combined thickness of the laminate and underlayment pad. It is recommended to buy the thicker pad; it is well worth the added expense.

In order to know how much laminate flooring and underlayment pad to buy you will need the square footage. To get this simply measure the area’s footage right to left and then forward and back. Multiply those figures together and that is your square footage. It is prudent to add at least 5% to that figure for scraps.

Install your laminate flooring

The first thing to do is roll out <a href=””>the underlayment pad. Connect the pieces together with wide, clear, plastic tape. How your laminate planks connect depends on the brand you buy but they are all rather simple; most simply snap together. Remember to stagger the joints.

Laminate flooring is a type of “floating floor”, meaning that it is all connected to itself but not to the house. With this in mind, leave 1/4″ clearance at each wall. On the initial wall where you start, use spacers that you can pull out before installing the baseboards.

As you go along you will need to use your mallet and pull bar to snug things up. A few gentle taps will do.

Things will get tricky as you go through doorways; the manufacturer’s instructions most likely will not tell you about this because it impedes sales to DIY’ers. In some circumstances the best solution is to use your utility knife to trim the snapping connections on the adjoining planks so that they can slide together. In this case, use a few drops of wood glue to keep them together.

Finishing up – Install the Baseboards

Once you’re done with installing the laminate flooring planks you can get on your baseboards. If you’ve been careful with the removal you can reuse them. Otherwise, cut and install new baseboards. Miter and caulk all joints. Remember not to nail into the planks – this is a floating floor. If you <a href=" heated floor-most-common-garage-flooring-options”>find you have cut some planks too short and the baseboard doesn’t cover adequately, don’t fret; just install quarter-round at the floor line.

Make sure to understand how to care for laminate flooring. Now that you’re done, step back wooden floor tiles admire your work!

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Flooring | Hardwood Floor Installation Tip: Necessary Hardwood Floor Installation Tools

Read this tip to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Hardwood Floor Installation and other Hardwood-Flooring topics.

Before beginning a hardwood floor installation project, it is a good idea to assemble all of the tools required to complete the project. Are you looking for an epoxy garage floor that actually lives up to your expectations? Then you have found <laundry room floor reviews href=””>the right place, Amazing Garage Floors! http://www.amazing-garage-floors.comThe necessary hardwood floor installation tools will depend on the type of floors being installed. For nail-down hardwood floors, the basic tools required include a staple gun, vapor barrier paper, hammer, chalk line, tape measure, pry bar hardwood flooring finishes reviews pneumatic tools such as wood floor in basement reviews air compressor and hose, a nail gun, mallet and staples. If the manufacturer’s instructions involve gluing the floorboards, the recommended glue will also be required. The list of tools may vary, but the instructions provided by the manufacturer should include a complete list of the tools required to complete the project.

Engineered Hardwood Flooring A Great Alternative To Laminate



Time and again I hear folks talk about how much they love the feel and prestige of hardwood flooring for their home, flat or condo but they are not prepared to go through the cumbersome task involved with installing these floors.

The good news is that now you dont have to go through all those difficult installation process. Engineered hardwood floors are installed in the exactly same manner as laminate; each piece clicks to the other and optionally you can choose to glue them down as you would with laminate.

Engineered hardwood flooring is made up of a top portion that is natural wood. The top portion is glued to a multilayer core that may be plywood, high density fiber or another form of replenishable wood. These layers are also pressed and glued together. Each layer is stacked on top of the other in a cross-grain setting. The Number of layers used at the core varies from one designer to another but most manufacturers use three or four layers.

The multilayer core unlike real hardwood is more resistant to moisture which allows engineered hardwood to be installed in almost any location including kitchen floors and basements.

Engineered hardwood floors are gaining popularity quickly since it is made of natural wood, looks prestigious, less expensive than hardwood, resistant to moisture, easy to install, can be sanded, can be finished and it can be installed on all types of flooring.

The top layer is available in various exotic styles, color and grain patterns. Some types of these include oak, pine, ash, teak, and bamboo among other designs. Each of these designs can be finished in lighter or darker shades.

Engineered hardwood flooring is fast becoming the favorite of home and condo owners since they can be installed on top of concrete slabs and the core is resistant to moisture. The use of sound dampening materials can make your flooring extremely quiet so that you can walk around and enjoy your prestigious floors without having to worry about noise.

The disadvantage with laminate flooring is that, if it fades away or become scratched (which it can despite many claims to the contrary), your only option would be a complete replacement that is both expensive and time-consuming. Are you looking for an epoxy garage floor that actually lives up to your expectations? Then you have found laminate installation right place, Amazing Garage Floors! http://www.amazing-garage-floors.comSome engineered hardwood floors may be sanded and finished up to two times which can drastically prolong the age of your floors while it remains looking brand new.

About the Author:

For wood floor finishing products information about hardwood flooring, installation, maintenance and restoration click Hardwood Flooring

To find out more about different styles and types of hardwood , click Hardwood Floors

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